"I Praise You for this Resurrection Madness" (Ted Loder)
Lord of such amazing surprises
to put a catch in my breath and wings on my heart,
I praise you
for this joy, too great for words,
but not for tears and songs and sharing;
for this mercy that blots out my betrayals and bids me begin again,
to limp on,
to hop-skip-and-jump on,
to mend what is broken in and around me,
and to forgive the breakers;
for this YES to life and laughter,
to love and lovers,
and to my unwinding self;
for this kingdom unleashed in me and I in it forever,
and no dead ends to growing,
to choices,
to chances,
to calls to be just;
no dead ends to living,
to making peace,
to dreaming dreams,
to being glad of heart;
for this resurrection madness which is wiser than I
and in which I see how great you are,
how full of grace.